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PISM 29th Supply Link International Conference and Exhibit

ASIA CARGO partnered with the Philippine Institute of Supply Management (PISM) as premium sponsor in the 29th Supply Link International Conference and exhibit last July 15, 2022. ACCLI’s mission to build lifelong relationships with stakeholders and create essential value to its partner’s supply chain ropes with PISM’s mission to influence and co-create Business Solutions for the private and public sectors across the region.

ASIA CARGO thrives beyond the next normal by creating an online booth from July 11-15 2022 to join PISM’s Sponsors Caravan during the 29th Supply link conference and exhibit. ACCLI’s goal is to continue to raise brand awareness, showcase its latest services and maximize its touch points with potential clients by using multimedia applications to reach out and be known for its expertise, professionalism, and dedication to innovation.

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